Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who is Maddy Moo- the conception

Before I can start blogging about my current pregnancy, I need to start with my first baby. Well, technically my 2nd if you count Fred the Basset Hound who joined our family in 2001. I will write about him later. Mike and I had been married for about 4 years when we decided we were "ready" to have a baby. I labeled this as a good time because of typical reasons: we were renting a house with plenty of room, we both had stable jobs, I was finishing my masters, my current caseload of students was no longer as aggressive as the previous years so it was safer to be pregnant, and we just felt it. We had no money in the bank, lived paycheck to paycheck, still loved to party like rockstars but we decided we would always live that way so why not just go for it!?
So, I am pretty sure Maddy Moo was conceived the day or should I say afternoon that I defended my masters. What a good day that was! Crying while telling one of my professors how much a book she had written meant to me, defending my masters, eating taco johns for lunch, and conceiving a baby!
We only tried for like a month and 1/2 and it worked. Mike was so proud of his Marine Corps sperm. After taking a pregnancy test at home, we decided we needed to go and take another test- the one that says the words pregnant or not pregnant. So we drive to Rainbow in Lauderdale, MN- buy a test and I go in the bathroom right there. It says "pregnant" before I am done washing my hands! I come out and look for Mike among the deli meats and yogurt and he just knew by my face. Paying for our groceries I had the biggest "shit-eatin grin" and the guy kept looking at me like I was nuts but I didn't care!

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